4 Mar 2019 | |
The Hoot |
ISSUE 10 |
Dear Alumni,
It may still be mid-winter outside but it is warm and welcoming here at Windlesham with our front hall fire blazing and the children busy with their studies and activities. We have a new feathered resident in our grounds who lives in and around the Elephant tree, Bernie the Buzzard. He can be seen most days swooping and perching in his new territory, a lovely sight to behold as you swing around the corner heading up to school. This year Windlesham is also making headway into being more 'green'. We are recycling, using less plastic and have a 'Green Team' consisting of a group of pupils from the Ones and Twos who meet up on a weekly basis to discuss the issues and new plans to make Windlesham a more environmentally, conscientious place. |
Important Announcement As announced by our Chair of Governors, Adam Perry, Richard and Rachel Foster will be retiring from Windlesham at the end of the Summer Term 2020. They have been at Windlesham since 2007 and have been running schools for 33 years. We look forward to celebrating Richard and Rachel's time at Windlesham closer to the end of the Summer Term next year. In the meantime, they will continue to run the school as wonderfully as ever. |
Something to Hoot About Congratulations to Christopher Albertyn and Ella George (both OWLs '14) who have both secured Oxbridge Offers subject to their A levels results this summer. Good luck to Georgia Rothman (OWL'06) who has started her own business as a Content Creator https://www.georgiarothman.com/about/ Good luck to Richard Fitt who is our new Head of Music. Great news... we have new steps going down to the MFT, which means you no longer have to leap between the paving stones! Our leaving families The families who left in 2018 donated some gorgeous new outdoor oak furniture which adorn the grass area to the front of our new Sports Complex, the Italian Gardens and pre prep - a big thank you for their generosity. All change! Stuart Edwards has returned to be a House Parent to Drake and Jon Stevens is now House Parent for Scott.
Lost Boys Book
Following on from all the hard work and research completed for our WW1 Exhibition we are now following up with a book about the Windlesham boys who lost their lives in the Boer and First World War. This is being written by Tom Pearson-Chisman (OWL '84) with support from Gill King our Librarian and an ex parent.
We are very excited about this book as its the first time since 1937 that any book has been published about Windlesham and its pupils or its history. As one of the oldest prep schools in the country it's right that we embrace and celebrate our history. We have a lot to thank our Lost Boys, 8 in the Boer War and 69 in WW1, they gave their lives, some of them very young when they died, to give us the freedom we enjoy today. We will keep you posted about the progress of the Lost Boys book and we look forward to your support when it is ready to purchase. |
Robert Allen OWL 1960
"I was not very happy about coming to Windlesham (WHS) in January 1959, because it was a very cold winter, I was the only American, and difficulties with parental actions after their divorce had darkened my outlook on life and people in general. I mention this only to emphasize that my eventual happy evolution at WHS was due primarily to the qualities of the school and its people, rather than the outside influences. Although I was teased a lot at the beginning about being a 'Yank'. The boys that Mr Charles Frean mentioned in a previous Hoot issue eventually accepted me. In particular, I remember Stephen Wegerif and Jeremy Pgliero as 'nice guys'. Being an older (12) year old boy, it helped as did my newly discovered skills in football and rugby. I showed a knack for history and geography as well, which won some more respect later as I helped younger boys with those subjects. it is fortunate that my status did not depend on my meagre skills in cricket or mathematics!" (to keep reading about Roberts journey click here) by Dr Robert Allen Thank you for your editorial Robert. Please contact us if you would like to share your memories of your time at Windlesham. |
Anthony and Katarina Hutchings bid Farewell
Our very own musical dream team have decided to leave Windlesham and embark on new careers after 20 years. Anthony was responsible for so many amazing musical extravaganzas at Windlesham. To mention a few, Time, Elements and Odyssey, he was inspirational and stretched the children to gain their inner most musical talents. We will miss his dry humour and technical skills which brought so many of his performances to life. Pyrotechnics, laser beams, speaking to astronauts, South Downs surround sound were just many of the challenges Anthony set himself. He was also Scott Houseparent for 14 years and cared deeply for his 'Scotties'. Katarina, who moved over from her home country of Slovakia when she married Anthony, was the music teacher in pre prep. This is where she started the musical journey for many of our pupils encouraging them to perform, sing, play instruments and enjoy music.
FOUNDATION NEWS Your final opportunity to 'Take the Plunge' We still have some space on our stunning glass image, which takes pride of place on the front of our new Sports Complex glass entrance, for you to donate and add your name to our donor tree. This opportunity will be available until September 2019, so do not miss out. If you are interested in making a donation, please contact: eharris@windlesham.com We thank you for your support.
Engagements: Georgina Garnier (OWL'01) to Thomas Blanshard Henry Landgon (OWL'01) to Eleanor Krajewski George Wyndham (OWL'96) to Cruz Maria Vallespir Katie Bieneman (OWL'02) to Angus Grant Imogen Evans (OWL'99) to Christopher Izatt Stephanie Graves (OWL'04) to Jack Millington Louisa Denman (OWL'04) to Feddie Campbell
Marriages: Jessica Wyndham (OWL'92) to Rupert Tann on 2nd June 2018
Births: Harry Miskin (OWL'91) and Lauren had a son, Edward Lucian Monckton (Teddy) on 17th January 2018 Rupert Stanley (OWL'99) and Lily had a daughter, Savannah Rose on 4th March 2018 Alice Liddell (nee Cooke OWL'98) and Matthew had a son, Callum David on 15th October 2018 Guy Schwarzenbach (OWL'95) and Michelle had a daughter, Rhea Francesca in Zurich on 21st October 2018 Davina Knight (nee Boyle OWL'92) and Christopher had a son in Hong Kong, Alexander William Louis brother to Eliza on 5th December 2018 Alice Fry (nee King OWL'00) and Edward had a daughter, Willa Esme Houghton on 14th December 2018 _______________________________________________________ Memorial for Harry Byatt A Tree Planting Ceremony was held at Windlesham in memory of Harry Byatt (OWL'11) who died in a tragic accident in the summer of 2017. It was a lovely autumnal day and his family, friends and staff gathered to remember Harry and enjoy sitting on 'Harry's bench', which is situated near his tree. |
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