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News > Alumni News > Tom Law OWL 2014 selected as a finalist of Sussex Young Musician of the year

Tom Law OWL 2014 selected as a finalist of Sussex Young Musician of the year

The finalists have been confirmed for Coro Nuovo Sussex Young Musician of the Year 2024 and Windlesham OWL, Tom Law (tenor) is one of them!
20 Jun 2024
Written by Sue Maughan
Alumni News
OWL of 2014 Tom Law
OWL of 2014 Tom Law

Tom is 23 and attended Windlesham House School (Raleigh house) along with his brother Rory and left in 2014 to go onto Eton.  He is currently in his fourth year at the Royal College of Music. He has performed solo roles in Messiah (Portsmouth Cathedral), Nelson Mass, Mozart Mass in C and Schubert Lieder (St John’s Smith Square). He has also covered operatic roles as well as some musical theatre with the acclaimed international RCM Opera Studio.

The Sussex Young Musician of the year competition offers young musicians (aged between 18-26) the chance to win cash prizes – £2,000 for the winner, £1,000 for the runner up and £500 for the third finalist to help fund their musical studies. The final will be held on July 13th  at 7pm at Holy Trinity Church, Hurstpierpoint, and the adjudicator will be pianist, conductor and coach Ashley Beauchamp.

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